Becoming Human: A Retreat for Men
DATE: OCTOBER 18-20, 2024
LOCATION: Barnabas landing (KEATS ISLAND, BC)
COST: $1200+gst
APPLY DEADLINE: OCT 8 or when the retreat is full
Becoming Human is a retreat for men longing to be who God created them to be: fully themselves and beyond social constructs.
Participants will share in opportunities to experience vulnerability and connection with their true selves, fellow men, and the God who sustains us in our hurt and our healing.
To facilitate these connections, retreatants will be invited to participate in:
Group counselling to act as the container for self-exploration and engagement with one another.
Contemplative practices to welcome us in to the presence of God as the ground of our being.
Personal times of silence and reflection.
Shared rhythms of eating, drinking, and movement in nature.
Cost Breakdown & Extended Health Coverage
The total cost for the retreat is $1260 tax inclusive. Payment will be received in two parts:
The RETREAT COST is $756 tax inclusive and is due before the retreat. A receipt will be issued as soon as payment is received.
The COUNSELLING COST is $504 tax inclusive and is due before the retreat. A receipt will be issued after the counselling portion of the retreat is complete. This amount can be submitted to extended health providers for reimbursement. Please check that counselling by a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) is covered by your extended health plan.
How do I get to Barnabas Landing?
Barnabas Landing is located on Keats Island, BC. Participants will take a water taxi from Horseshoe Bay (West Vancouver) to Barnabas Landing on the first day of the retreat, and then return via water taxi on the final day of retreat.
What is group counselling?
The retreat will include 8 hours (4 sessions of 2 hours) of group process counselling. In group process counselling, 10 individuals meet face-to-face to share their struggles and concerns with 2 trained group counsellors. The power of process groups lies in the unique opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, support, encouragement and feedback from other individuals in a safe and confidential environment.
Assessing client fit is an important part of group counselling, and participants will be selected on their ability to participate as well as their needs and desires for the retreat.
What is contemplative practice?
The retreat will include spiritual practices rooted in contemplative Christianity, such as the prayerful and slow reading of scripture, meditative prayer (lectio divina), taking time for silence and solitude, engaging with nature, and an overall inward attentiveness to God's presence.